Sunday, November 16, 2008

Silver City Part 2

Nov 15, 16

Saturday: More reading and hanging at store and cafe until Laura showed up. She was in the middle of a project for work, and somewhat time squeezed since a co-worker was staying the weekend to work along with her. She knew of a place to go hiking at Bear Mountain Lodge, which I'd seen advertised in birding magazines. Nice place, lots of trails in typical habitat fro the area, no birds I'd not seen the day before at the picnic area. Which didn't matter much since we were mostly talking intensely about what had been happening in our lives. First she caught me up on news of her daughters, then aboout herself going back to college and getting not only a BA, but an MA from a more challenging school. Like somebody waking up to her true self, suddenly a setting where she could use her intelligence and drive, and the organizing skills from raising three kids mostly alone. Then we started talking about people dieing. She had spent something more than a year involved in her mom's decline and demise, with all the stresses and sadness. I told her about my mom as well, plus went down the roster of all the close men friends who I'd lost in the last five years, Not just friends, but my mentor, and my favorite Uncle. I was teary by the time we got done, and found a Buddha on a viewpoint. Folks had left coins and mementos, so I left the Buddha token that I'd been carrying in my pocket for over a year for comfort with impermanence. It seemed to belong, and I figured I could get another when I got home.

That was the most thorough telling of the accumulated losses that I'd done with anyone and twas a relief, as well as a sudden binding and recognition between us. I had said I would probably leave the next day, but she said it would be good to meet again after the project planning was done. That made sense to me when I figured out how much I'd needed that contact. She dropped me off back at the internet cafe, I met her friend, she said goodbye with hugs and kisses. And when I checked my mail, there was an email from my best friend in college who'd I'd lost track of for around forty years. He found my address on some Ivory-bill site, I don't even know which one, but it was like a gap closing that I'd forgotten was there. The rest of the evening was back with Bob and Diana, watching videos of her grandchild, then noshing at a store opening, and general goofing. It felt like a day when something important had changed.

Sunday: I got up early and had a biscuit at McDonald's, then hung around with Pat until 9 when we met up with Diana and Bob for a nice breakfast at a little place up from the store. More green chiles. I guess about 11 I set out up the Pinos Altos road to check out birding sites in the Gila NF. I wasn't expecting a lot from the campgrounds along the road, but had some hopes for higher elevation species on Signal Mountain at the firetower. According to the GPS I was within just over a mile of steep road when I turned back, since the road was slick icey packed snow on the north side of the mountain. Just have to try again in the spring. I'd already decided for certain to make it back on my projected spring trip to pick up some more NM tics, try some backup sites for Flamulated Owl, and mostly check back in with Laura.

I still had hopes for waterfowl at Lake Roberts, and that did work out. Once I'd figured out the good spot for the scope and was working over the birds one by one, a woman ranger from the Fish and Game agency stopped and got out her big binocs and we searched for goodies. Hooded Merganser was good. Also Gadwall and Western Grebe. There were decent numbers and fair variety. Worth the trip. It was getting late and cooling down and I headed back to Silver to meet Laura for dinner, then we went to her house to watch a movie and cocoon on the couch. More good talk, and she showed me a lot of her soap-making operation, which has been a big success. They were multi-colored and -shaped and -fragranced with essential oils, made with good oils and Shea butter. She gave me samples and knew I'd be showing them off when I got home. When I did that there were rave reviews.


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