Thursday, February 08, 2007


Feb 3, 2007

I was up and away early enough to make the 5am opening of McDonald's in Quincey FL. No McDonald's sparrow though. I was following the Georgia bird-finder, and got to the first Lake Seminole site while still dark. Called in a Barred Owl with a tape. Flew right up to the truck and sat overhead. I waited for light and birded around there, and found some winter birds. The only other records I had for GA were along the coast in summer, so I had quite a few new state species as I wandered around to half a dozen stops at that lake. The day was gray and chilly. I also checked out a lot of fallow fields, especially peanut crops. Great places for American Pipits and Vesper Sparrows. Nothing surprising, but ended with 65 species for the day including from a stop at Eufala NWR on the Alabama border where I did a lot of walking levees. 25 sightings were new for the state and got me to 109 total.


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